From Chronicle…







Already establishing a reputation for offering superb quality replicas sourced from no less than the original props themselves, Chronicle Collectables is becoming a serious contender in the high-end collectors market.

Thankfully one of their many current licences is noneother than Flash Gordon, where Chronicle have already produced prototypes of forthcoming projects – the first being the majestic War Rocket Ajax replica (top) referenced from one of the few surviving miniatures and looks to be perfect in every detail (right down to the Flash pilot figure!).  While no more details on the scale/price/release date are forthcoming, it is nonetheless fantastic to see the property is still regarded as a fan favourite.

And only revealed in the last few days at Wonderfest 2015 is this incredible General Klytus mask and cowl (bottom pic) , which we are assured through Chronicle’s facebook page is a 1:1 accurate wearable prop.  With more spectacular items upcoming, its a great time to be a Flash fan…